
If we ask a person what's their most valued possession we may get answers like their car, house or something they worked very hard to achieve. But there is something that they overlook, something that they take for granted. And that some is their health.They don't even realise if they didn't had their health the would have never obtained their value possession now.In today's world where everyone is chasing after Money people are forgetting about their health.The term health doesn't just mean physical health it's a combination of physical, mental and social well-being.If we look at the time we are living in now it's one of the most dangerous period in human history for a person's overall health. Maybe be the main villian of our physical health is the office chair today but don't underestimate the capacity of comfortable revolving office chair to harm your health. All aspects of a person's health is at it's most vulnerable in the modern world.Today everyone wants a job that pays them for sitting infront of a monitor 9 to 5. But this takes a huge toll on our health.Studies have found that people who sit for longs periods are at a greater risk of disease and even death: 112% increased  risk of diabetes, 147% increased risk of cardiovascular events like heart attack and stroke. Sitting is the new smoking.Plus the long hours of screen time can lead to decreased cognitive functioning, headaches, insomnia etc..These same effects are also caused by phones.Plus phones have a wide array of negatives of their own. It's the perfect tool to isolate ourself from the real world outside, this can be devastating to person's social well-being.If we ask a person what's their most valued possession we may get answers like their car, house or something they worked very hard to achieve. But there is something that they overlook, something that they take for granted. And that some is their health.They don't even realise if they didn't had their health the would have never obtained their value possession now.In today's world where everyone is chasing after Money people are forgetting about their health.The term health doesn't just mean physical health it's a combination of physical, mental and social well-being.If we look at the time we are living in now it's one of the most dangerous period in human history for a person's overall health. Maybe be the main villian of our physical health is the office chair today but don't underestimate the capacity of comfortable revolving office chair to harm your health. All aspects of a person's health is at it's most vulnerable in the modern world.Today everyone wants a job that pays them for sitting infront of a monitor 9 to 5. But this takes a huge toll on our health.Studies have found that people who sit for longs periods are at a greater risk of disease and even death: 112% increased  risk of diabetes, 147% increased risk of cardiovascular events like heart attack and stroke. Sitting is the new smoking.Plus the long hours of screen time can lead to decreased cognitive functioning, headaches, insomnia etc..These same effects are also caused by phones.Plus phones have a wide array of negatives of their own. It's the perfect tool to isolate ourself from the real world outside, this can be devastating to person's social well-being.

18 May 2023

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