
Ricardo Antonio

I'm 25y, brazilian and brand designer, welcome to my portfolio ;-)


  Working at Skyline IP

  • Késsia Cosméticos | Brand Design

    When the project finds you with a defined purpose, everything is easier when creating. Not all entrepreneurs understand...

    12 Feb 2021

  • Paula Dantas | Brand Design

    Paula Dantas is a fashion brand made for women by a dreamer. The desire to have one's own business took a closer look at...

    27 Jan 2021

  • New Cash Bank | Promo Video

    Project developed with VIER STUDIO to promote the new New Cash Bank app. Watch the full video on: ricardoantonio.com.b...

    15 Jun 2020

  • Kavalar | Brand Design

    I had the opportunity to participate in the entire process of developing the visual identity of @kavalar.com.br, from na...

    05 Jun 2020

  • Virtuli | Promo Video

    Project developed with VIER STUDIO, to facilitate the identification of the company's location Virtuli Plastic Surgery a...

    26 Apr 2020

  • Engage Zone | Trials Program

    Animation developed for Engage Zone, a company focused on games, in order to facilitate the integration of players, in a...

    05 Feb 2020

  • SpeedNet | Fibra Ótica Promo

    Project developed to SpeedNet Fibra Ótica. Animated video for Internet Company to share your product, values ​​and bene...

    01 Aug 2019

  • Biscoitos Belma | Brand Design

    Biscoitos Belma is a company in the food sector that celebrated its 10th anniversary by redesigning itself with a new lo...

    05 Aug 2016

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