Késsia Cosméticos | Brand Design

When the project finds you with a defined purpose, everything is easier when creating. Not all entrepreneurs understand what they want when they start a business, many are looking for a financial opportunity, but few care about the message they want to pass on to the world.

Kessia comes from the Hebrew Kesiah, from the word Kiddah ("Cassia"), the name of an aromatic wood. The Cinanamomum Cassia species is a tree whose bark of the juvenile branches and leaves are rich in aromatic compounds, with the typical cinnamon odor, widely traded for perfumery and traditional medicine.

Symbology is the delivery of Késsia Cosmeticos to the world, a flower that opens like a box, releasing its content to those who are willing to interact, feel and experience.

In a universe of companies and industries that produce and sell cosmetics, Késsia is born from an identity that seeks to absorb the purest essence of responsible, sustainable and vegan production. We deal with a brand that is about to rise, that wants to inform and educate in the most subtle and aromatic way, in the Késsia way of promoting self-care to its customers.

12 Feb 2021


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