Permissionless Leadership at Fueler

Working at Fueler, I made smooth, recurring, and productive extended-team meetings a thing. Nobody asked me to do it - hence permissionless. :)

My key duties were:

-Organising the extended team meet

-Help set a clear agenda for maximum productivity

-Strategic Documentation 

For organizing the permanent team meeting, I ran a simple WhatsApp poll to decide a time that works for everyone in the extended team.

For setting clear agenda, helped the RIten with general suggestions, and made sure everyone understood what to expect from the meeting.

For strategic documentation, I used Notion. 

The format of the documentation was like this: 
1. Minutes of Meeting - a short summary of all of the discussion

2. Challenges (What are the most important and urgent challenges for the week?)

3. Competitors (How competitors are doing it differently and what it means for us?)

4. Core duties (for every member with proper hierarchy) 

5. Threats (What kind of risks are needed to be controlled)

6. Upcoming Projects (Important but not urgent hence a list of scheduled projects)

7. Marketing Ideas (How can we generate more PoW submissions? What's already working?)

8. Achievement and Feedback (What can we celebrate? What can we improve?)

11 Feb 2023

Active listening
Bird's eye view
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