This project provides a detailed analysis of sales of a Pizza outlet. Through these analyses, we aim to provide actionable insights and recommendations for improving sales of the pizza outlet.
Kaggle-Pizza Sales data.
Tools Used:
Power Bi
Dataset comprised of variables like Pizza_id,Order_id,Pizza_Name_Id,Quantity,Qrder_Date,Order_Time,Unit_Price,Total_Price,Pizza_Size,Pizza_Category,Pizza_Ingredients,Pizza_Name
1 excel sheet comprising 48K+records.
1.We could deduce information like on weekend and from 12pm to 1 pm and 4pm to 8pm usually we receive most of the customers. We have to market the products by giving necessary offers on weekdays to attract customers.
2.Classic Category Pizzas contribute most of the sales.
3.Classic Deluxe and Chicken is the best revenue generating pizza and we need to improve quality or bring in new type of pizza instead of The Brie Carre as its the worst revenue generator.
15 Aug 2024
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