This project aims to deliver analysis of Kickstarter platform data, providing actionable insights and recommendations to improve campaign success rates and user engagement strategies.
An anonymized dataset from the Kickstarter platform.
Tools Used:
The dataset includes key variables such as Project ID, Project Name, Category, Creator info, Funding Goal, Pledged Amount, Backers, Launch Date, Deadline, Locations, and Project Status.
Size: Data with thousands of records spread across multiple excel sheets detailing various features(like Creator, Locations, Category, etc.)
1. Identify which categories have the highest and lowest success percentages, providing insights into which project types are more likely to achieve their funding goals.
2. Identify seasonal trends and determine which quarters have higher success rates, helping to inform better timing for project launches.
3. Highlight key contributors and successful fundraisers, offering insights into the characteristics of high-impact backers and projects.
01 Feb 2024
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