Increase YouTube engagement - Case Study

Increase YouTube Engagement - Part of Seekho Case Study Challenge

Worked as a team on the case study for increasing YouTube Engagement.

Problem Statement

Considering ourselves to be a Product Manager at YouTube, we are supposed to work on increasing engagement on the platform. This could include introducing new features, and working on the market sizing, GTM, and monetization strategy as well.


- India is the demography that we are targeting.

- We are assuming the core YT videos.

- We don’t have any current real-time data so we collected it from users.

- No constraints.


  • - We collected primary data from our network since our assumption was that no prior data was available with multiple screening questions related to the platform.
  • - Worked on introducing new features with a concept called - YouTube Entertainment which is subscription-based and competes itself in the OTT sector showing more personalized recommendations than the existing YouTube Originals.
  • - Our success metrics included Watch Time, DAU, and Retention Time.

Learnings and Scope of Improvement

- The data collected has sample bias: directly asked users if they thought OTT platforms affected their YouTube engagement - this should come from the users.

- Brainstorming User Personas could have made things even better.

- Market Sizing was a little ambiguous and it only covered Total Addressable Market.

- Go-To-Market Strategy can be more creative and add new features rather than existing ones.


Looking to hire a Product Consultant/Associate Product Manager? DM Me here :)

09 Aug 2022

product strategy
product growth
product design
product management

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