Fueler Admaniac Challenge - Notion SPECAD

Fueler Admaniac Challenge - Notion SPECAD

Context: This project was done for ADManiac: The Spec Ad Competition by Fueler.io


Notion: Your connected workspace for wiki, docs & projects

Coming up with a brand we love, was the toughest. We were brainstorming, hitting the keys of the keyboard, and creating a prospective brand list on Notion until it hit us, why not take the fuel that runs all the Fuelers- Notion?

To create an advertisement for Notion, a popular note-taking software, we started with a detailed analysis that included everything from the understanding of the product, and its target audience to its implications (in literally quite everything XD).

Our aim was nothing but to capture exactly what Notion does. To portray it as the urban clap of your computers, the genie that organises the entire mess into a well-decorated page you can’t stop adoring. Be it any problem, simply list it down on Notion and Woosh! It’s solved.

Tools used: Canva, Figma, Notionly, and Artboard studios if that counts?

Time Taken: A lot, 15 hours

16 Oct 2023

Spec ad
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