A Coffee Shop App using React Native ☕
Introduction - It is a mobile coffee shop application with React Native, featuring Stack and Tab Navigators. Implemented Zustand Store for efficient state management across components. •Designed and constructed various screens such as Home, Details, Cart, Favourites, Payment, Order History, and Splash Screens.
Tech Stack - React-Native CLI, Zustand (State Management), TypeScript.
Text Editor - VS Code and Android studio
Figma Design - https://www.figma.com/file/d0CcQLFl3gM7vN3bUY3ogG/Coffee-Shop-App-UI?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=design&t=SV7Kf3u8JzptaKJE-1
GitHub Repo - https://github.com/RushikeshGangapurkar15/Coffee_Shop
27 Mar 2024
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