Product Understanding-
Uber Pool is a car pool service provided by Uber. The riders going in the same direction can share a cab together. It is economical than getting a personal cab and good for the environment as well.
The user journey is that
Will be focusing on the mobile app of Uber.
Focus will be on improving the user engagement.
I’ll be solving the question based on the Indian Context.
Geographical location- Nothing in particular
User Persona-
Since the goal here is to improve engagement, we’ll focus on the riders.
The riders can be divided into three personas-
Power Users- People who use the service almost daily, like office goers
Occasional Users- People who use the service 3-4 times a month, like college students, some of the office goers who use public transport for commute to save time and hassle of driving fall into this segment too
Casual Users- People who use the service on rare occasions eg. on occasions when they don’t want to drive
We will be focusing on occasional users as they have the potential to book more rides which will help in driving engagement.
Pain Points-
List of Solutions-
Building feature 1 would not require a lot of efforts, but would have a high impact on customer experience which will drive engagement. Along with that, feature 3 will require medium effort, but will yield high impact.
Feature 2 might improve customer experience but will impact revenue. Feature 4 will take time and effort to execute, moreover it will require a lot of bandwidth to store all the footage and to bring in governance. Feature 5 will have a high impact but will take a long time to execute.
There are three kinds of users of uber pool service, casual, occasional and power. The focus will be on increasing the frequency of rides taken by the occasional users. The pain points of this cohort is that they are worried that it will take a lot of time and that it is not safe to travel with the strangers. To tackle this problem, we will optimise the stops such that consecutive pickup or drop locations are not more than 3km apart. Moreover, the app will have safety feature like a panic button that will alert the rider’s emergency contacts and will share their live location along with driver details.
04 May 2024
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