Android Application: NEET CRACK

This is an android app made for helping students preparing for NEET. It provides mock tests papers for practice. The app starts with the main screen where a list of papers is shown in Recycler view. Every time the updated list is fetched from the database (MYSQL), and the same list is saved in Sqlite database for future use. Students have to download the pdf paper first by clicking on the download icon and then it gets open in another activity as a pdf file in inbuilt pdf reader. The solution of paper can be checked by clicking on the Answer button given at the bottom of the paper screen which opens it in another activity after one time download. The app contains a rating beautiful rating bar, which pops on the fifth open of the app and asks the user to rate the app. I have also included Admob banner and interstitial ad in the app. FCM is included for notifications sending purpose. Apps contain other basic functionality.

22 Mar 2019

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