Product Concept Note

As part of my Product Management cohort program, I was tasked with creating a product concept note. I assumed the role of Product Manager at Swiggy and was tasked with solving the retention problem.

Brief Project

Case study

You are the Product Manager at Swiggy
Harsha, founder of Swiggy realized that users were leaving the platform and migrating to other platforms 
Swiggy wants to increase customer loyalty and retain the customers
Currently, WoW retention is 60% and needs to be increased to 80%

Create a concept note to solve the retention problem and include the-

Problem Statement (What)
How Big is the problem?
Reason for the Problem (Why)
Metric (Success Metric)
End Goal / Vision (Where are we heading towards)
Current System / Journey (AS-IS)
Approach for new system/process (TO-BE)

Assignment Guidelines

Write a document - Do not create a presentation
Max length - 2 to 3 pages (not more)
Product flow/flowchart is required, wireframes are not required.
No need to cover metrics at this stage - will be covered in Week 6
Write sentences - try to avoid single word statements!
Example -

03 May 2023

Product Concept Note

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