Portfolio Restructurer and Performance Tracker for Golden Investment Fund (IIM Amritsar)

  1. User Personas:
    'A' is a 24 year old male, commerce or BBA graduate or MBA and CFA who knows a lot about finance and financial assets but doesn't know much about technology or how to monitor performance of portfolio he created with customizable KPIs or personal KPIs such as Sharpe ratio or beta of portfolio etc. He knows and created strategy for portfolio but has to do all of that manually.

    'B' is a risk manager who understands all about risk and statistics, can calculate risk KPIs such as VAR but doesn't know much about technology and therefore have to calculate manually
    and monitor daily based on statistics calculations.
  2. Problems and Requirements:
    1. Automate fund restructuring according to fund manager's defined strategy. 
    2. Create a portfolio according to calculated weights for specific securities.
    3. Plot and visualize performance of portfolio against benchmark index and create dashboard for monitoring portfolio performance with certain KPIs such as different ratios and beta for portfolio on daily basis.
    4. Calculate and visualize VAR on daily basis. 
  3. Minimum Viable Product (MVP):
    1. Python script for restructuring portfolio by using customizable lookback period of 3 months up to 1 year to calculate which stocks to choose for portfolio.
    2. Same script is further used for creating portfolio by maximizing 'sharpe ratio'.
    3. Output of this is input for another script which plots performance to visualize against benchmark and display different KPIs to analyse performance further.
    4. Output of first script is used by another code to calculate VAR for portfolio for last day and forecast for the same day and visualize the trend of VAR.
  4. Roadmap:
    Creating first script from March 2022 to May 2022.
    Deployed first script for June 2022
    Created second script from June 2022 till August 2022.
    Integrated first and second script from September 2022.
    Created third script from September 2022 till November 2022.
    Integrated third script with first and second script from December 2022.
    Post December monitored if deployed product is working according to user's requirements or not.


01 Feb 2023


Other work by ISHAN KULKARNI

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