Made hiring easy by Increasing the perception of the brand among potential employees, and developing EVP & recruitment campaigns.
- Helped address issues related to low applications and came up with a variety of solutions from (but not limited to) the founders' personal brand to online activation campaigns.
- Developed Employer Value Proposition (EVP) to attract more high-intent & higher-skill-level candidates.
- Conceptualized a podcast IP called “The Salad Bowl” where women founders from we would invite women founders and leaders to share their struggles as a female employees and a leader.
- Changed the domain name from “” to a higher/easier recall domain “”
- Built a playlist for hiring developers, the idea was to distribute it with the help of various tech-twitter creators.
- As you can see in the playlist, the idea was to use the hiring copy as the names of songs in the playlist.
Unfortunately, the startup shut down before we could execute the plan. But you can see the campaign here:
Employer Branding
Digital Marketing Campaign
Spotify Playlist
Startup Foundation