Taiying come back to nature

Connecting man to nature.

Taiying is a simple web app created for a hypothetical nature enthusiast agency. Taiying provides its customers with means to feel nature; by creating nature touched spaces and conveying them to global nature spots to have a great experience.

The Problem
There has been a recent increase in cases of stress, depression, and general confusion; as people go on with their busy and packed schedules. They take breaks that do not completely recharge them and quickly go back to being stressed.

The Goal 

To combat the stress build-up of our customers and help them remain productive through exposure to nature. Exposure to nature is known to make people feel better emotionally, contribute to their physical wellbeing, reduce blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones.
My goal was to design a simple web app for people to connect with the taiying company and start living a nature exposed lifestyle leading to less stress and increased productivity.

16 Mar 2022


Other work by Oyegoke Busayo

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