I never knew or expected it, but this happened!

Walked for 8 consecutive days for more than 120+ km,

very good sleep and rest, with the least possible food intake!

Of course, no phones, no laptop, no internet usage.

✅ A complete discontinuity from the ordinary world.

What did the Walk do?

✅ It just blew me away by making me realize my potential.

I'm continuing the practices I did along the way and will continue through the rest of my life.

✅ There has nothing been this Impactful and Transformative than these 8 days of discontinuous evolution!

What can Walking do to you? — Whatever you want!

Just try it out.

Here's what my Walk did to the Material Me.

More stories and lessons coming on the way...

Btw, I'm back! Cheers 🚀

14 Oct 2023


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