COVID - Data Exploration & Visualization

COVID - Dashboard Using TABLEAU

A Covid-19 data visualization dashboard made using TABLEAU, that presents data related to the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in an interactive and visually appealing manner. This dashboard allows users to view various aspects of the pandemic such as the number of cases, deaths, and recoveries, and track the progression of the pandemic over time. Tableau's powerful data visualization capabilities and interactive features make it possible to create a user-friendly dashboard that helps users to quickly understand the situation and make informed decisions. The dashboard can be used to analyze trends and patterns, compare data across different regions or countries, and observe the impact of various mitigation measures. This tool can be used by public health officials, decision-makers, and the general public to better understand the situation and take appropriate actions to control the spread of the virus.
COVID - Dashboard Using TABLEAU
COVID- Data Exploration

COVID - Data Visualization

12 Feb 2023

SQL Server
Data Visualization
Data Exploration
Data Processing

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