
Chetan Gupta

Hello there! I go in community with the name Ch8n. I'm a mobile technology enthusiast! love Android #kotlinAlltheWay, want to explore all opportunity around it!, blogging at chetangupta.net C

Android App Development

  Working at Deutsche Telekom

  • Compose flocking Ants(boids) 🐜🐜🐜

    Jetpack Compose Boids | Flocking Insect. bird or Fish simulation using Jetpack Compose Desktop 🚀, using Canvas API 🎨

    21 Jun 2021

  • Jetpack Compose Fruit-Ninja 🥝

    Welcome Fruit Ninja on Jetpack Compose Desktop 🚀, using Canvas API 🎨 Featured on - [jetc-dev](https://www.getrevue.c...

    15 Jun 2021

  • Compose Space-Invaders 👾

    The alien invasion 👾 is back! this time especially on Jetpack Compose Desktop 🚀, using Canvas API 🎨

    01 Jun 2021

  • Canvas Raining 3D Jetpack Compose Desktop 🚀

    Raining 3D particle System build using Canvas API Jetpack Compose Desktop 🚀

    16 May 2021

  • Canvas | 3D space Particle System | Jetpack Compose

    Compose-StarWars 3D Space particle System build using Canvas API Jetpack Compose Desktop 🚀

    14 May 2021

  • Taskie - A Todo and Note Taking MVVM Application

    A simple Notes Android app following features - Single activity architecture - Social login: Google Sign-in - Shared pr...

    20 Apr 2021

  • Kotlin Tree DSL | Git 14 stars | Reddit 2 awards

    Tree Data structure I have Implemented Tree DS as Kotlin DSL and IMO it looks super clean! Motivation I'm Implementin...

    14 Apr 2021

  • Self Implemented Android Framework - Activity & BackStack

    Self Implemented Android Framework class that also have - lifecycle behavior - back stack to it as well can be used i...

    11 Apr 2021

  • Kotlin Scope Code Noise | Feature Over multiple International Publication

    Published over - Android Weekly - https://androidweekly.net/issues/issue-461 - Kotlin Weekly - https://mailchi.mp/kotli...

    Android Weekly | Kotlin Weekly | ProAndroidDev | DroidCon | many more..,  05 Apr 2021

  • Winner Android Development Challenge 2021

    Android development Challenge Week 1 winner for Pet Adoption Application

    Google Android Team,  02 Apr 2021

  • Countie-Compose | Jetpack Compose | Android Development Challenge 2021 - Week 2

    Countie-Compose Countdown timer is timer application build with ❤️ and 🚀 jetpack compose for Jetpack Compose #AndroidD...

    04 Mar 2021

  • PupDopter 🐕 | Jetpack Compose | Android Development Challenge - Week 1

    PupDopter 🐕 PupDopter 🐕 is Puppy adoption app build with ❤️ and 🚀 Jetpack Compose #AndroidDevChallenge Application...

    03 Mar 2021

  • AsyncTasker | Self implemented Async Task | Async Task Challenge

    Self Implemented Android Async task, submitted for [Pooja's AsyncTask Challenge](https://pooja-srivs.medium.com/build-yo...

    03 Mar 2021

  • Kotlin Game Development | Korge

    Game Development Using Kotlin Korge Framework - Various game window and menu option - Sprite base animation - Text and...

    06 Feb 2021

  • Jetpack Compose Expandable Cards

    Expanding Cards Compose Sample of Cards which on click expands and collapse Horizontally Compose API Used - [Card](ht...

    24 Jan 2021

  • Morse Code Cli | Made with Kotlin ❤️

    Script that can encode a given message to Morse-Code or decode a given morse-code to message 🔧 Framework - CliKt for...

    04 Jan 2021

  • Big-Brain-Kotlin | Article Feature Kotlin Weekly

    Kotlin Weekly,  03 Jan 2021

  • Android Tech Star 2020

    IT Mentor Awards for contribution to tech communities

    India Mentor,  30 Dec 2020

  • Kotlin Native Dependency Injection | Published at Multiple International Publications

    Published over : - Kotlin Weekly : https://mailchi.mp/kotlinweekly/kotlin-weekly-228 - ProAndroidDev : https://proandro...

    Kotlin Weekly | ProAndroidDev | DroidCon | many more..,  25 Sep 2020

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