Rejected after Creating Assignment, What's Next?
Riten Debnath

19 Aug, 2024

Rejected after Creating Assignment, What's Next?

You have worked on the assignment given by the company but in the end you didn't get hired?

Please read this further, I will explain how you can leverage your assignments

Yes, companies hire but the fact is there are only limited positions available for obvious reasons. Say for 1-2 positions, 50-100 folks applying out of which 15-20 of them will submit assignments out of which 5 will be selected for the final round, and eventually 1 of them will get hired (if not, they will repeat the process)

So what happens to your assignment?

Kindly don't let it go just like that, please go the extra mile and document them as your proof of work on your portfolio

Do you know, the assignments are one of the most valuable proof of work you have ever worked on

Why? Because this is something you didn't work on your own out of thin air but based on the brief given by the company themselves. 

The problem statement on the brief are always created based on constraints and challenges faced by the companies and they want to judge you based on your ability to come up with a solution for it. The

I understand it's unfair sometimes when you work really hard and then get rejected, and you feel all your efforts are wasted. 

I'm sure thoughts like this will cross your mind

"they are using our assignments for ideas..."

"assignments are waste of time"

"the company didn't check my assignment properly"

"I'm good for nothing..."

I'd suggest you to refrain from these thoughts are these are self sabotaging and won’t take you far in career.

But that's not true. Please remember these points:

1. Hard skills are not just enough to get a job

2. Relying on degree won't take you much far

3. Your communication skills matter

4. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard

5. You cannot fail, unless you give up

6. Stay motivated. Be positive.

A lot of us don't make it our career because we give up easily, especially after 1-2 failure. But please understand - considering the size of the population and talent pool, you will have to put in efforts to stand out from the mass. Therefore, DO NOT lose your motivation to keep going and keep trying.

So what to do with the assignments?

You can document them like this:

Access the link here

Here are more such examples, where the assignments are documented as proof of work

> Assignment for Inovact Social - Feed and Profile Screen Revamp

> Community Building Plan: Workcrew AI

> Content Research Assignment by Vyom Bhatia

> Video Ad Sales Script - Coach

> Pen-a-Thon Assignment by Vedika Bhaia & Unnati Bagga

> Case Study for FamPay Rewards Section

> Flexiple Survey - “Offer to Onboarding”

Trust me this helps you with future opportunities. Here's how it works. Suppose you have shared your Fueler portfolio > the hiring manager goes through your portfolio > they see all the assignments you did for different XYZ company > helps you build credibility

Please remember, it's not the failure of getting hired in the past but your persistent attitude will matter to them and that's how you create a lasting impression.

Hosting Assignment on Fueler

To help our community members further, we have introduced a way for companies to host their assignment on Fueler. So that they are documented and helps you when you apply for future opportunities on Fueler platform or even outside of it.

All your approved assignments are displayed as "Contribution" on your Fueler Portfolio. By doing this, we are trying to create open source contribution easy for Non tech roles. This is how it looks like:

Shashank Contribution

Lucinda Dsouza Contribution

Nimisha Chanda Contribution

Devanshi Zala Contribution

We are trying to onboard as much as companies possible on our platform so that we can build an inclusive system for knowledge workers. Imagine you get to apply to new companies based on your previous worked assignments - that will be great, isn't it?

I hope this inspires you to create you to document your proof of work. Keep up the good work, all the best.

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