30-Days Blog Content Calendar for HubSpot (Fueler Portfolio Bootcamp)

Project Content: 30-Days Blog Content Calendar for HubSpot (Fueler Portfolio Bootcamp)

About HubSpot: HubSpot is a CRM platform designed to scale companies by connecting marketing, sales, content management, and customer service. 

HubSpot Blog Content Analysis:  HubSpot has conquered the blog market, serving as a blog hub for all your needs. Blogging has been central to HubSpot’s content marketing plan, and segmented into five different categories: 

1. Marketing
2. Service
3. Websites
4. Sales
5. Next in AI 

Under these five categories, blogs are further divided into subcategories, making it easier to attract visitors and recommend content relevant to their interests. 

Research & Implementation: Analyzing recent posts from both HubSpot and other leading websites like Zendesk and Zapier. The final step was to craft SEO-optimized blog titles for each category. 

Tools Used: Google Sheets for documentation, Perplexity for Content, Meta Tag Analyzer to make them SEO-optimized.

Time Taken: 6 Hours

23 Mar 2024

Content Calendar

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