Little Saas, Inc.
- Built and maintained core UI features like analytics dashboards including graphs & tables, user profile setting, etc for a platform with over 30,000 users.
- Piloted e2e build of UI features of a micro Saas product for tracking subscriptions.
- Reworked on the user experience of an email outreaching SaaS product to launch
the beta version, which included:
- Improving the user flow to access contact emails and view their status.
- Built and shipped a micro analytics feature for individual contacts that
gives in-depth stats on the performance of each outreach campaign.
- Rebuilt the UI for the entire settings section which made it 80% more
accessible to the end users.
- Contributed to product discussions like scope of features & user experience.
- Collaborated with backend developers to build APIs and configure data.
06 Sep 2021 - 31 Jul 2022
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