ProManager - The Only Productivity Tool You Need

ProManager is the ultimate productivity tool designed to supercharge your efficiency and streamline your project management. With its powerful features and intuitive interface, ProManager empowers you to stay organized, collaborate seamlessly, and achieve your goals with ease. From task management and pro-level ideas to time tracking and progress monitoring, ProManager has got you covered. Experience a whole new level of productivity and take control of your projects with ProManager. Say goodbye to chaos and hello to success. 

Being part of the Hashnode X Appwrite hackathon project, it has been proudly built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS and Appwrite Cloud.

Most exciting part of the project is that it's Open Source. Access the code here and start contributing. 

We have a detailed blog about ProManager showcasing it's features and other cool stuffs.

07 Jun 2023

Web Development
Productivity tool
Nextjs project

Creating portfolio made simple for

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