Jobify: A job-finder cross-platform mobile app

Jobify is your go-to job-finder mobile app, designed to simplify your job search process. Crafted with React Native Expo, this cross-platform application provides you with a seamless job-hunting experience.


Key Features:

- Job Search: Effortlessly discover job opportunities tailored to your preferences.

- Cross-Platform: Enjoy the convenience of using Jobify on both iOS and Android devices.

- React Native Expo: Built with cutting-edge technology for a smooth and responsive user experience.


Whether you're seeking your dream job or exploring new career opportunities, Jobify has you covered. Download the app and take your job search to the next level.

Explore the code and contribute to the project's development on GitHub: Susmita-Dey/Jobify: A job-finder cross-platform mobile app built with React Native Expo (

Jobify - Your Partner in Job Hunting.

09 May 2023

App Development
React Native

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