Billboard Ads for Swiggy


I was tasked with designing billboard ads for Swiggy and decided to leverage a recent event to raise awareness. The ads highlight Swiggy's new initiative: "Swiggy launches a recruitment support program for partner restaurants."


Objective: to create awareness regarding this new launch and to highlight the benefits and value presented by Swiggy to its partner restaurants.

Ad-visual ideation Inspiration in terms of understanding the brand and tone of the brand voice: Swiggy Instamart Billboard, Swiggy Egg Ad, Swiggy Holi Billboard ad, Swiggy and Mamaearth Collaboration Billboard ad, Top 5 Nagpur’s Dished  Billboard ad.

Timeline: 1 Day

Tool used for writing: Grammarly

Note: I worked on the strategic ideation of the visual for first two billboard ads in collaboration with Tarun Mohanta (UI/UX Designer)

Reflecting on the project of creating billboard ad copies for Swiggy's new staffing feature, here are some key learnings:

1. Understanding the client's needs:

Importance of Client Goals: The primary goal was to create awareness about Swiggy's new staffing feature and highlight its benefits. Keeping this in mind helped ensure the ad copies stayed focused on the client's objectives.

Tailoring the Message: Ensuring the tone and style matched Swiggy's existing branding made the campaign more cohesive and effective.

2. Creative Concept Development:

Visualizing Ideas: Each ad copy needed a strong visual element to capture attention. Developing compelling visual ideas to complement the text was crucial for impactful billboards.

Storytelling: Crafting a narrative within a few words that conveys the message clearly and persuasively was essential. Each billboard told a mini-story about how Swiggy solves staffing issues for restaurants.

3. Market and industry insights:

Industry Challenges: Understanding the specific challenges faced by the food services industry, such as high attrition rates and the need for efficient staffing, helped in crafting relevant and resonant messages.

Target Audience: Knowing that the target audience included restaurant owners and managers helped in framing the benefits of Swiggy's staffing feature in a way that addressed their pain points directly.

4. Copywriting Skills:

Conciseness: Billboards require extremely concise copy. This project reinforced the skill of distilling complex ideas into short, impactful phrases.

Catchiness: Crafting catchy and memorable headlines is key for billboard ads, which are seen briefly. This project highlighted the importance of creating punchy and engaging headlines

5. Brand Consistency:

Maintaining Tone: Consistently using a friendly and approachable tone aligned with Swiggy's brand voice ensured that the ads felt like a natural extension of their existing marketing efforts.

Visual and Textual Harmony: Ensuring that the visuals and text worked together harmoniously was crucial for delivering a clear and unified message.

6. Practical Application:

Idea Implementation: Turning abstract ideas into practical, visual billboard concepts was a significant part of the process. Each idea needed to be feasible and effective in a real-world setting.

Feedback and Iteration: Imagining how each billboard would be perceived by the public and being open to iterations improved the final outcome.

Overall Takeaways:

This project was a valuable exercise in balancing creativity with strategic thinking. It reinforced the importance of understanding the client's needs, knowing the audience, and being able to convey a compelling message succinctly and visually. The experience also underscored the importance of brand consistency and the power of effective storytelling in advertising.

04 Jul 2024

Graphic design
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