COVID-19 Classification from Lung CT Scans, Acc - 85%
Built a simple CNN model using VGG to classify Lung CT scans images between COVID-19 patient and Non-COVID-19 patient.
20 Nov 2020
DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer
Secured 100% Grade
Coursera - DeepLearing.AI, 11 Aug 2020
Deep Learning
Completed the "Deep Learning" course from NPTEL with a 60% mark and Elite Certificate.
Kalyani 30 Oct 2018
Data Science for Engineers
Completed the "Data Science for Engineers" course from NPTEL with a 50% mark.
Kalyani 31 Mar 2018
Blogger at Tec4Tric
Working hard to provide great content. I make videos and blog posts about Linux, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning. Cu...
05 Nov 2016 - Present
Sayan De
Deep Learning Enthusiast
Creating portfolio made simple for
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