The Teenager's Diary is where I write about stuffs, no one talks about.

Frankly, there's no objective in writing TTD (The Teenager's Diary)

If I don't write, it would have saved me time thinking, pondering on my thoughts, and writing my heart out. But still, this is like a PROOF of my consistency, self-determination & habit.


These are some of my great works ;)
NOTICE: These are not SEO-optimised, but trust me, you will enjoy reading my chronicles.


16 lessons for 16 mortal years of this life.

I'm writing this on my birthday!


I get scared when I walk through these stages.

The fatal mistake I have been making with my life.


Everyone has to fake happiness at some point

Time passes by. You don’t know it. You can only be aware of it.


Most of us are living in the grey area.

One day, ... in this birth or the next births... we will grow beyond this dualism.


All of us won't achieve our dreams.

I'm in a race against time.


I find peace in this violence.

I've been silent for too long...


Afraid of Attachments

Perhaps, I've been living in the future of my mind.


The Teenager's Diary is born out of my perspicuous thoughts. 
Perspicuous means "to see through".

You might not agree with everything I say. And that's completely fine. 
But, if you like this stuff, consider subscribing to my TTD via Substack. 

And if you want someone to write for you, contact me write away :)

22 Sep 2021

Other work by Sayak Moulic

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