Live Free Job Board [NextJS , Tailwind]

Problem Statement : A free Job board platform for finding remote work. the data is fetched from a LIVE API. 

Time Taken : 1 day

Code Link : View on Github

Tech Stack: NextJS, TailwindCSS, CSS animations

Web3 Jobs API Documentation

Response format: JSON

Request parameters (optional):

  • remote: Filter by remote jobs (boolean, default: false)
  • limit: Change the number of jobs returned per call (integer, default: 50, max: 100)
  • country: Filter by country (string, e.g., "united-states")
  • tag: Filter by job tag (string, e.g., "react")

Example usage:

Example JSON response:

The provided example showcases the structure of an individual job posting within the JSON response. Each job posting object contains the following properties:

  • id: Unique identifier for the job posting (integer)
  • date: Date and time the job was posted (string)
  • date_epoch: Unix timestamp of the job posting date (integer)
  • is_remote: Whether the job is remote (boolean)
  • country: Country where the job is located (string)
  • city: City where the job is located (string)
  • title: Job title (string)
  • company: Name of the company offering the job (string)
  • location: Full location string (including city, state, and country)
  • apply_url: URL to apply for the job (string)
  • tags: Array of job tags (strings)
  • description: HTML description of the job (string)
  • Users interested to post a job on our job board can got to `/post-a-job`

18 Mar 2024

web development
job board
web3 jobs

Other work by Prantik Kumar Seal

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