A Valentine Card Generator[ReactJS]

Problem Statement:
With Valentine's Day being celebrated today, there is a need for a quick and easy way for people to express their love and affection to their significant others, family, and friends. However, not everyone has the time or creativity to make a personalized Valentine's Day card. To solve this problem, the Valentine's Day e-card generator project aims to provide a solution by allowing users to create personalized e-cards that can be shared digitally with their loved ones.

Code Repo Link: here

Tech Stack:

  • React.js for building the user interface and interactivity of the e-card generator
  • HTML and CSS for designing and styling the templates and hover effect
  • JavaScript for adding custom animations and interactions
  • html2canvas or a similar library for generating and downloading the e-card image


  • None

Here's an outline of the steps of how I created the e-card generator:

  1. Designed a simple template for the Valentine's Day card using HTML and CSS.
  2. Built a React component that allows users to upload two images and enter their names for the e-card.
  3. Used html2canvas to generate a PNG or JPEG image of the e-card preview.
  4. Added a button or link that allows users to download the e-card image.

Click on Proof to check the live page

14 Feb 2023

web development

Other work by Prantik Kumar Seal

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