AAPL Stock Forecasting - Shiny app

Shiny App for Time Series Forecasting of AAPL Stock Prices

This is a Shiny app that provides a graphical interface for visualizing and forecasting AAPL stock prices using time series analysis.The app utilizes the Prophet package in R for forecasting and dygraphs for interactive visualization.

Project Structure

The project directory contains the following files:

  • app.R: This file contains the code for the Shiny app, including the user interface (UI) and server logic.
  • README.md: This file provides an overview and instructions for the project.
  • Other necessary R libraries are listed in the code and should be installed prior to running the app.


  1. Clone or download this repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the R project file Forecasting_Stock_Prices_AAPL.Rproj in RStudio.
  3. Open the app.R file in RStudio.
  4. Run the app.R script to launch the Shiny app.
  5. The app will display a dygraphs plot showing the historical stock prices of AAPL.
  6. Adjust the slider input to view specific ranges of stock prices.
  7. The app also includes a forecasted line dark green representing the predicted stock prices for the future period.

Development Time

The development of the AAPL Stock Forecasting Shiny App project took approximately 2 weeks This includes time spent on data collection, preprocessing, model implementation, building the Shiny app interface, testing, and refinement.


The pricing for creating a similar AAPL Stock Forecasting Shiny App project varies based on several factors, including the complexity of the forecasting models, the integration of real-time data feeds, customization requirements, and additional features. To obtain an accurate pricing estimate, please provide detailed project specifications for a personalized quote.

Project Ownership

The AAPL Stock Forecasting Shiny App project was developed Mohammed Kayser This project can be utilized by individuals, financial institutions, or organizations for their internal use to analyze and forecast the AAPL stock performance. feel free to contact for further conversation 

15 Jun 2023

shiny app
AAPL Stock

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