AnonYou : Incognito Youtube Discovery [ReactJS & MUI]


Incognito Youtube Discovery


An innovative web application for browsing YouTube incognito, built to ensure user privacy while delivering a seamless exploration experience.

What is AnonYou?

AnonyTube is a web application that allows users to browse YouTube anonymously, providing access to a vast array of content without leaving any trace. Discover trending videos, explore channels, and delve into diverse content areas without compromising your anonymity.

Tools Used for the Project:

  • React.js with Material-UI (MUI) for frontend development
  • HTML and JavaScript for building interactive elements
  • YouTube API for fetching and displaying YouTube content dynamically

Tech Stack of the Project:

  • React.js
  • Material-UI (MUI)
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • YouTube API

Time Taken:

  • 2 weeks

02 Jan 2024

web development
full stack development
web developer

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