LLM powered Weather App

Project: A weather based chatbot powered by LLM

Need for it: Most LLMs don't have real time data. So, I made this app in Python which uses LLAMA3 and OpenWeatherApp API that can answer your query based on real time weather data

Tools and technologies used: 
Frontend - Gradio
Backend - Python
API Integration - OpenWeatherMap API
LLM - LLAMA3 through API from Groq
Hosting - Hugging Face Spaces

Code Explaination:
The code for this project is open-source. You can find it under the files tab in the provided link.

App.py creates the UI for the app, takes user input
findCity.py sends the query to the model and extracts the city name from the input
findWeather.py sends the city name to the weather API and fetches real-time weather data
finalOutput.py sends the weather data to the model and returns the final output to be displayed on the screen

DM me on twitter if you any suggestions/queries related to this

03 May 2024

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