Designed logo for a Baby Apparel Brand

Baby Apparel logo 

This logo design is part of my personal project i.e. #dailylogochallenge

Behind the scenes "

› To create this Baby apparel logo I used only two elements

• Letter B, Baby face and feet

What I did is quite simple

I wrote letter B

Used negative space to create baby look

Let's talk about colour

I used Blue but that wasn't my initial choice

I thought that this time I will be using pink colour because it is a baby brand so it should look cute

I searched other logos to found that majority was using pink color so I switched it to pink

Why Blue colour

Blue is a cool colour

I used soft shade of blue to make it more Baby friendly

Blue helps to keep babies calm and relaxed!

• Let's talk about B

What's there is to talk about B••

Only one thing I have kept corners of B round because that gives a sense of comfort to the viewer!


28 Apr 2022

logo design
baby apparel design

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