To judge me by Cover | "Visual Chronicles: Crafting Impactful Cover Art"

Project : Cover Art Design

Duration : Min 3 Working Hours

Cost : Starts from INR 1200/ Hr

About me :

Hey there, it's Deepak! Let's chat about why I'm all about making cover art designs for cool projects. Get ready for a visual journey!


Why am I into cover art design? Because pictures can say a lot without using words. My goal is to take projects that cover stuff like wellbeing, saving the planet, and making things better, and turn them into cover art that tells a story. By doing this, I want to help your message stand out and look awesome.


When I start a cover art project, it's like picking the best snapshot that sums up your project. I dig into research, learn about your project's core, what it's all about, and the impact it's making. Using your ideas, I mix design and stuff to create a cool picture.

This mix of design and ideas is where the magic happens. The pictures I choose, the things I add – they're all connected to your project's spirit. My goal? To make cover art that not only looks cool but also tells a story.

When I'm done, you'll have a cover art that's like a visual introduction to your project. Doing these designs is my way of teaming up with you, of adding a splash of color to your project's story. It's about making visuals that catch your eye, start conversations, and show the world what you're all about.

I'm excited to turn your project into a visual masterpiece. Ready to make your project look awesome? Let's make it pop together!

12 Aug 2023

Graphic design
E book

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