A PowerPoint Presentation on Cloud computing :
In this PowerPoint presentation, you can understand the basics of Cloud Computing in the following aspects
Accessibility: Cloud computing facilitates the access of applications and data from any location worldwide and any device with an internet connection.
Cost savings: Cloud computing offers businesses scalable computing resources hence saving them on the cost of acquiring and maintaining them.
Security: Cloud providers especially those offering private cloud services, have strived to implement the best security standards and procedures to protect client’s data saved in the cloud.
Disaster recovery: Cloud computing offers the most efficient means for small, medium, and even large enterprises to back up and restore their data and applications in a fast and reliable way.
SlideShare Link: https://www.slideshare.net/DebrajKarmakar/cloud-computing-246038025
Github Link: https://github.com/debrajhyper/PowerPoint_Presentation/tree/main
Published in: Technology
License: CC Attribution-ShareAlike License
10 Apr 2021
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