PHP Programming Language Tutorial - Full Course


I learned the PHP programming language from this course. 

Things you are going to learn in this course:

1. Introduction 

2. Windows Installation 

3. Choosing a Text Editor 

4. Hello World & Setup 

5. Writing HTML 

6. Variables 

7. Data Types 

8. Working With Strings 

9. Working With Numbers 

10. Getting User Input 

11. Building a Basic Calculator 

12. Building a Mad Libs Game 

13. URL Parameters 

14. POST vs GET 

15. Arrays 

16. Using Checkboxes 

17. Associative Arrays 

18. Functions 

19. Return Statements

20. If Statements 

21. If Statements (con't)

22. Building a Better Calculator 

23. Switch Statements 

24. While Loops 

25. For Loops 


27. Including HTML 

28. Include: PHP 

29. Classes & Objects 

30. Constructors 

31. Object Functions - PHP - Tutorial 31 

32. Getters & Setters 

33. Inheritance


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