Case Study - From a mom to a successful photographer

”I recently started working with Arya on content creation. She is very professional and approachable. She produces good quality content and goes above and beyond to incorporate the feedback given. Her knowledge about social media is incredible and so is her commitment. Working with her has been a delight and I look forward to have a long working relationship with her.”

Client Background: Suruchi is a Bangalore-based portrait and fashion photographer (but first of all, a mother) also skilled in corporate and family photography. In May 2022, I was hired as a content/copywriter to write captions in storytelling format for her posts and enhance her personal brand on Instagram.

Initial Challenges:

🚩Ineffective Captions: Before May 2022, Suruchi couldn't resonate with the captions provided by her previous copywriter, hindering audience engagement.

🚩Limited Leads: Despite being active on Instagram, the platform wasn't generating significant leads for her photography services.

Goals and Objectives:

🏁Improve Branding: Develop a consistent personal brand that not only showcases Suruchi's photography work at its best but also showcases how she is as a person and professional.

🏁Lead Generation: Utilize her personal brand to attract potential clients and increase photography bookings.

🏁Content Value: Create content that adds value to the audience's lives, making them eager to follow Suruchi for more.

Solution Implemented:

💪Branding and Marketing Strategies: An in-depth analysis of Suruchi's personal brand led to the creation of fail-proof branding, marketing, and social media strategies. This ensured alignment across all platforms to maintain brand consistency.

💪Optimizing Profiles: Suruchi's Instagram, Google Business profile, and website were audited and optimized to align with her personal brand and achieve her goals effectively.

💪Compelling Content: Captions were crafted in a storytelling format, resonating with the audience and showcasing Suruchi's photography work effectively. Content focused not only on showcasing the portfolio but also adding value to the audience's lives.

💪Managing Time Constraints: Understanding Suruchi's time constraints as a new mother, I took on the majority of the work, including managing leads and creative strategizing for her Instagram grids.

Transformational Process & outcome:

💥Improved Engagement: The new storytelling approach in captions resulted in higher engagement on Suruchi's Instagram posts.

💥Value-Based Content: The audience found value in Suruchi's content, leading to increased followers and engagement.

💥Lead Generation: The optimized profiles and engaging content led to an influx of queries for photography bookings.

💥Redesigned Portfolio: The creation of a comprehensive portfolio showcase from scratch improved the website's effectiveness in attracting potential clients making it an essential tool for our lead generation.

Conclusion: Through meticulous analysis, strategic planning, and compelling storytelling, Suruchi's personal brand underwent a remarkable transformation. The optimized social media presence and website not only showcased her photography at its best but also positioned her as a sought-after photographer. Despite budget constraints, the collaborative effort between Suruchi and me led to significant improvements in her personal brand's performance and lead generation capabilities.

20 Mar 2023

Social Media management
social media strategy
instagram strategy
instagram growth
marketing stragegy
personal branding
content creation
content strategy
idea geenration
portfolio making

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