
Vignesh Sadhu

Hello, My name is Vignesh. I'm a frontend developer skilled in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I build websites and also publish blogs related to web development. Checkout my proof of work and col


  Studying at Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology

  • Weights on planets

    A website that converts the weight corresponding to the planet that has been selected. It is made using HTML, CSS, and J...

    10 Sep 2022

  • What is Synchronous and Asynchronous programming in JS

    Introduction Before getting into asynchronous programming in javascript, Let's get a glance at what is synchronous javas...

    03 Sep 2022

  • Tipsy

    The Tip calculator website calculates the tip according to your bill amount. Based on your choice of service the tip wil...

    28 Aug 2022

  • Weather Point

    A Weather forecast website displays the current weather conditions like temperature, humidity, cloudiness, etc in your l...

    27 Aug 2022

  • Written a blog on hoisting of let and const data types.

    Hoisting is the process that makes some type of variables accessible/usable in the code even before they are declared. B...

    24 Aug 2022

  • Simmons SD5 DrumKit

    A Simmons Configuration drum kit website that plays a different tone in each click and also responds to the correspondin...

    21 Aug 2022

  • A Blog on basic Javascript array methods

    On Arrays, we can perform many operations, transformations and manipulations using array methods. Generally array is al...

    23 Jul 2022

  • Developed a BMI calculator

    A Simple BMI calculator is developed using JavaScript and styled using CSS.

    12 Jul 2022

  • A Blog on basics of arrays in JavaScript

    Introduction to arrays An array is a data type that stores the data contiguously. Generally, arrays are used to store c...

    11 Jul 2022

  • Designed a responsive website called Chirp

    A Responsive website designed using HTML and CSS.

    08 Jun 2022

  • Javascript Variables.

    What are variables? Variables are the containers for storing the data. Variable is generally declared by using a keywor...

    11 Apr 2022

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