Weights on planets
A website that converts the weight corresponding to the planet that has been selected. It is made using HTML, CSS, and J...
10 Sep 2022
What is Synchronous and Asynchronous programming in JS
Introduction Before getting into asynchronous programming in javascript, Let's get a glance at what is synchronous javas...
03 Sep 2022
The Tip calculator website calculates the tip according to your bill amount. Based on your choice of service the tip wil...
28 Aug 2022
Weather Point
A Weather forecast website displays the current weather conditions like temperature, humidity, cloudiness, etc in your l...
27 Aug 2022
Written a blog on hoisting of let and const data types.
Hoisting is the process that makes some type of variables accessible/usable in the code even before they are declared. B...
24 Aug 2022
Simmons SD5 DrumKit
A Simmons Configuration drum kit website that plays a different tone in each click and also responds to the correspondin...
21 Aug 2022
A Blog on basic Javascript array methods
On Arrays, we can perform many operations, transformations and manipulations using array methods. Generally array is al...
23 Jul 2022
Developed a BMI calculator
A Simple BMI calculator is developed using JavaScript and styled using CSS.
12 Jul 2022
A Blog on basics of arrays in JavaScript
Introduction to arrays An array is a data type that stores the data contiguously. Generally, arrays are used to store c...
11 Jul 2022
Designed a responsive website called Chirp
A Responsive website designed using HTML and CSS.
08 Jun 2022
Javascript Variables.
What are variables? Variables are the containers for storing the data. Variable is generally declared by using a keywor...
11 Apr 2022
Vignesh Sadhu
Hello, My name is Vignesh. I'm a frontend developer skilled in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I build websites and also publish blogs related to web development. Checkout my proof of work and col
Studying at Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
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