I recently completed an assignment for Topmate as a content writer. Here's what I did:

1. Promoting Topbot Feature: I created a plan to talk about Topmate's new Topbot feature on social media for a week. I wrote posts and made graphics to explain how Topbot works. I kept track of how many people liked and shared our posts to see how well they were doing.

2. Sharing Content on LinkedIn and Twitter: I came up with ideas to get more people interested in Topmate on LinkedIn and Twitter. I talked about things related to our industry and asked questions to get people talking. I also worked with the marketing team to make sure our posts matched what we were trying to promote.

3. Making Posts More Friendly: To make our brand feel more relatable, I thought of fun ideas for short videos and gave feedback on our current posts. I wanted to show the people behind our brand and make sure our posts felt friendly and real.

Overall, I tried to make our social media presence better by improving our content and making it more engaging for our audience.

15 Apr 2024

👀 Project details

Create Content Strategy for Topmate


We are thrilled to offer an exciting opportunity for aspiring content creators and social media enthusiasts to join our team. This role is designed to provide hands-on experience in content creation, social media management, and marketing.Before delving into the assignment, we would like to know how...