
Smita Verma

Looking for someone who can set your brand apart from the crowd? Hey, I'm an artist and writer. I can write articles 📝 and draw illustrations 🎨. Feel free to reach out! 🚀

Content Writing
Creative Writing
Digital Marketing
Sketch Artist
Content Strategies



  • You just need 4 ingredients to write good content

    You just need to learn four things to create good content: 1. Simplicity 2. Clarity 3. Elegance 4. Evocativeness #conten...

    10 Feb 2024

  • Lekhak - Smita

    How did I become a writer? or more like Why did i become a writer..... This article showcases my journey and the lesson...

    16 Jan 2024

  • Writing Guide

    It is a writing guide for beginners. A basic step to step guide to start content writing.

    12 Dec 2023

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