
Rahmat Rians

Digitalize Enthusiast ⚡️

Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere
React JS
React Native
Adobe After Effect
Adobe InDesign
Adobe XD
Tailwind CSS



  • Bachelors Degree of Computer Science

    Mercu Buana University

    04 Aug 2023

  • Mangkas App (iOS & Android)

    Mangkas App Aplikasi pemesanan jasa pangkas rambut berbasis mobile (IOS & Android) dengan fitur utama pencarian rekomen...

    01 Jul 2023

  • Back-End Developer

    BTPN Sharia

    Responsibility : ✅ Implementation Agile & SCRUM Methodology ✅ Designing, enhancing, and building out new features and...

    20 Feb 2023 - 30 Jun 2023

  • Debz Boutique Store | Web Developer Freelance

    26 Dec 2022

    Fueler Project
  • 🏅 UX Today Competition

    IPB University,  04 Oct 2022

    Fueler Achievement
  • 🏅 National Web Design Competition 2022

    Trunojoyo Madura University,  17 Jul 2022

    Fueler Achievement
  • 🏅 Winner of National UI/UX INSPACE 2021

    Teknologi Kalimantan Institute,  27 Oct 2021

    Fueler Achievement
  • 🏅 6th of National Poster Competition

    Museum Olahraga Nasional,  15 Jul 2021

    Fueler Achievement
  • 🏅 Third Place of National UX CODIG 2020

    Mercu Buana University,  19 Dec 2020

    Fueler Achievement
  • 🏅 Infographic Java Business Competition

    Telkom University,  23 Aug 2020

    Fueler Achievement
  • 🏅 Young Influener of The Month (YIOM)

    Mercu Buana University,  30 Jul 2020

    Fueler Achievement
  • 🏅 Poster ILM AdsComp UMB

    Mercu Buana University,  27 Jun 2020

    Fueler Achievement
  • 🏅 Winner of National Poster OASE MARINA Competition

    Mercu Buana University,  26 Jun 2020

    Fueler Achievement
  • 🏅 Third Place of National CSIC 2019

    Multimedia Nusantara University,  12 Nov 2019

    Fueler Achievement
  • 🏅 IT FUN Poster Competition

    Nasional University,  08 Nov 2019

    Fueler Achievement

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