
Mohini Malviya

  • collage

    Sagar Institute of Reasearch and Technology

    My first semester experience at Sagar Institute of Research and Technology was quite interesting and eventful. The campu...

    27 Feb 2024

    Fueler Achievement
  • LOGO

    The logo of a travel agency features a globe as its centerpiece, surrounded by various travel-related icons such as airp...

    24 Feb 2024

  • LOGO

    The logo features a juicy burger at the center with all the fixings – lettuce, tomato, cheese, and onion – layered on to...

    24 Feb 2024

  • LOGO

    The font is modern and sleek, giving the logo a stylish and sophisticated look. Overall, the logo conveys a sense of fre...

    24 Feb 2024

  • HOME | photojournalist

    this was my first digital artwork and my first project when I was in 9th grade and my teacher asked my to create somethi...

    24 Feb 2024

  • logo

    Remember every day of your life by adding it to your calendar.....

    10 Feb 2024

  • logo

    The logo for the word "Foodie" could be designed in a playful and creative way that captures the essence of the term. Pe...

    07 Feb 2024

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