
Kanaga vishnu n

Hi I have above one year experience in Technical Adobe illustrator and I also skilled in creating graphic designing iam currently working in a company I am more excited to do part time jobs t

Adobe Illustrator


  Working at A corporate company

  • Sundara bhavan visiting card

    This is the visiting I made in Adobe illustrator which is for the local client.

    08 Nov 2023

  • Oil bottle branding sticker

    I made it for the nearby vaniyaa oil shop owner he is satisfyed with this project.✨

    04 Oct 2023

  • Company warning symbols

    I made it for the nearby company owner for the safety warning symbols explanation stickers.

    03 Oct 2023

  • Menu card

    I made it this template and I shared in etsy shopping web page also.

    05 Sep 2023

  • Fahadh restaurant menu card

    I made it for the local hotel owner he bets me to bring her ideas and I did it by the output as shown.

    09 Aug 2023

  • Web designing for an food restaurant online orders.

    I made it in I'llustrator for the webpage interface .

    01 Aug 2023

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