
Jill Pujara

Female who talks Finance, Tech and Personalities!

Content Strategies
Content Writing
Web 3



  • Crypto Staking

    23 Apr 2024

  • Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM/FEVM)

    Filecoin until now was identified as AirBNB for storage services, i.e. providing Storage as a Service to the Web3 commun...

    25 Dec 2022

  • Filecoin Green: Filecoin Going Green!

    Climate change is an existential risk to humanity. With technologies evolving, we are aware of the carbon emissions taki...

    07 Nov 2022

  • Filecoin: Airbnb of Cloud Services

    Airbnb, a marketplace that involves renting property to travelers for stay during their travel days. Hosts are the ones...

    22 May 2022

  • Non Fungible Tokens : Simply explained

    Selfie NFTs sold for a million dollars!Non Fungible Tokens – What does it actually mean?

    22 Mar 2022

  • Blockchain: Simply Explained

    What is Blockchain?Blockchain is exactly what it sounds like, “CHAIN OF BLOCKS” that are linked together and can contain...

    17 Sep 2021

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