Journey to Career Success
Based on my work experience of 12 years, I shared the strategies, tips, and tricks with a crowd of about 25 people, earl...
16 Feb 2023
Using Teal as your job hunting dashboard.
When you apply for many jobs in many places, tracking them becomes a headache. Here's how to solve this problem using Te...
25 Feb 2022
My winning cover letter that beat 150 applicants
This is the job description and the cover letter that I sent which landed me an interview in 48 hours
18 Feb 2022
Working women are wonder women
Here are three things that are designed for working women and women searching for jobs.
20 Jan 2022
How to handle tough technical interviews
Technical Job Interviews are tough. Most of the time they aren't connected to the actual job. To avoid such an interview...
13 Jan 2022
How To Get AJYL (A Job You Love) newsletter
SIGN UP FOR TOOLS, TIPS, AND RESOURCES ON STRATEGIC JOB SEARCHING. Get my BEST updates delivered to your inbox. Unsubsc...
05 Jan 2022
How To Get AJYL - A Job You Love
There are millions of applicants for thousands of jobs, so how do you differentiate yourself? How to get AJYL introduces...
01 Dec 2021
Technical Writer
Technical Writer