Fueler Project - Bill Board Copy

The Brief was : Write 7 Bill Board Copy for Fueler. Step 1: Understand what Fueler stands for. Being a part of Fueler community for last one year, has taught me the importance of having a POW. Apart from it major USP, it's community is underrated. Get access to hiring opportunities, exclusive brainy topics, fun topics, book recommendations, polls, members celebrating wins, asking their doubts, and what not. Step 2: Study guidelines writing a Billboard Copy a) Stick to 7 words b) communicate only in a single message c) Be memorable, but not too clever. People have limited time to digest. d) Rely on a strong visual to communicate e) Don't include contact information, as it's distracting A billboard is a attention grabbing copy which works mainly on the visuals or creative. As billboards are put up on highways, bus stands or an a moving vehicle. Hence visuals attract attention quicker, and hence gets the person to read. The goal of a billboard is creating awareness - Top of the funnel Step 3: Writing the copy a) Writing in a physical book gives ample time to think, write, re-write, edit and finalize. b) Research on various types of billboard copy, understand them, and analyze if they will match Fueler. c) Taking inspiration from past billboards

18 Aug 2023

👀 Project details

Come up with 7 bill-board copies for Fueler community


In this project, your task is to write ad copy for Fueler community that will be showcased on street-side billboards. Study the previous ads and follow that frameworkYour copy should remind viewers of the brand Fueler community vibe