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Building a Basic Subscription Model for a SaaS using Laravel 10 & MySQL


Build a subscription management system for a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform using Laravel 10 and MySQL. The system should support three tiers of subscriptions: Silver (Free), Gold (Paid), and Platinum (Paid).

Subscription Tiers:

  1. Silver (Free):
    • Free-tier access with limited features.
  2. Gold (Paid):
    • Subscription cost: 2499.00 INR
    • Enhanced features compared to the Silver tier.
    • Paid subscription using the Razorpay payment gateway.
  3. Platinum (Paid):
    • Subscription cost: 9999.00 INR
    • Premium features compared to the Silver and Gold tiers.
    • Paid subscription using the Razorpay payment gateway.


  • Design and implement the database schema to manage subscriptions.
  • Create Laravel models, controllers, and routes for handling subscriptions.
  • Develop endpoints to:
    • View available subscription tiers.
    • Allow users to subscribe or upgrade/downgrade their subscription tiers.
    • Handle payments using the Razorpay payment gateway.
  • Implement necessary validation and error handling for subscription-related operations.
  • Ensure user authentication and authorization mechanisms are in place.
  • Write clear and concise code with appropriate comments and documentation.

Additional Guidelines:

  • Use Laravel's built-in features for authentication and middleware for route protection.
  • Follow Laravel best practices and coding standards.
  • Use MySQL as the database for storing subscription-related data.
  • Maintain proper error handling and user feedback during subscription processes.
  • Provide clear instructions on how to test the subscription functionality.


  • Share the source code via a GitHub repository.
  • Include all the necessary setup instructions.


  • Focus on functionality over design aesthetics.
  • Ensure security measures are in place, especially for payment-related operations.
  • Keep the application scalable and maintainable.


  • Complete the task by January 05, 2024.

✨ Important note

  • Contribute to open source projects hosted by brands
  • The open source projects are meant for the portfolio building purpose, not necessarily for hiring purpose
  • On approval, your submission will be displayed on your portfolio