Tripti's Proof of Work Success Story - Issue #03

26 May, 2022

Tripti's Proof of Work Success Story - Issue #03

Hello Tripti!

Can’t be more happy to have you here.

How about you tell us about yourself and your background?

Hii, I’m Tripti Garg, I’m an undergrad currently freelancing as a Content writer specifically writing blogs for B2B SaaS companies to help them convey their brand message successfully.

Part-time student and freelancer, full-time delighted Sunflower

Why should someone stay till the end with this blog?

Good question! If you’re someone who has been gifted with writing skills and wants to leverage it using Proof of work, I’ll be sharing some tips and specific features you can use from Fueler that will work for you like a charm.

That’s so great! Tell us about how you got to know about Fueler?

Actually, I was one of those first 1000 users who was approached by Riten (Founder) to check out this fantastic tool. I personally like the concept of using the previous writing as a Proof of Work to build credibility and land high ticket clients.

As a writer, I have my Medium, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts to talk about my services, but I guess It’s more fun and easy to show your different Proof of Works altogether at a single platform called I believe I’m going to be a lifetime user of this tool.

As a Content Writer, how does Fueler help you land better opportunities?

Even though you might call me a specialist in B2B writing, I will always call myself a Generalist who likes to write in B2C and other sectors if the business model is interesting. In that way, my portfolio becomes a mixture of everything juggling around sectors.

In this case, when a potential client wants to see my PoW in a particular sector I use Fueler Bucket to pick up all my work in that sector and collect it in a single bucket, and later it allows me to share that bucket with the prospect. This had made my acquisition process a lot easier ever since.

Let’s get the juice coming in - Let’s talk about how writers should leverage their skills using Proof of Work?

You will find thousands of resources out there which will help you become a better writer and land better opportunities. But here’s what got to keep in mind:

  • If you have ever written an article for any business, ask them if you can display the same as your proof of work.
  • If you don’t have anything to show, not a problem, write something of your own, publish it on Medium, and then display it as your Proof of work.
  • Haven’t found the right platform to show your writing skills, not a problem try for FREE
  • Try different writing styles and organize the same styles using Fueler Bucket.
  • Have fun, and never lose a chance to talk about your skills over Social media.

What's your advice for other writers who are just starting out?

I know that it sounds corny and you've probably heard it multiple times, but just start writing, take an online challenge or something and keep it public for people to see your skills.

You don't learn until you actually write and nothing will be as you planned. You might fail badly, but just take it as a lesson. You might also succeed beyond your wildest predictions.

Everything is about the mindset, and this cannot be overstated. Start believing in yourself and just follow what people on the next level are doing in the niche that you’ve chosen. Don't copy, but emulate.

Special thanks to Fatima for covering this success story.

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