05 Jul, 2023
Hey there headline writer, have you been struggling to come up with catchy headlines that actually drive clicks and traffic? Writing effective headlines is an art form, but the good news is there are some tried-and-true formulas you can use.
In this article, I’m going to share six of the best headline formulas that have been proven to work.
Whether you’re writing for a blog, email newsletter, social media, or any other medium, these tips will help you craft headlines that make people stop scrolling and actually read your content.
Get ready to seriously up your headline game.
Everyone wants an attention-grabbing headline, but coming up with one that's short, sweet, and high-performing isn't always easy. Here are some tips to help you craft headlines that work:
Keep practicing! Coming up with great headlines takes work. Study successful headlines and keep trying different options for your own content. Over time, crafting killer headlines will become second nature.
When writing headlines, put yourself in the reader's shoes. Ask yourself, "what's in it for me?" Your headline should convey how the reader will benefit or what value they will gain from reading your content.
For example, instead of "The Latest Small Business Accounting Software", try "3 Ways to Save Time and Money With Accounting Software for Your Small Business".
The revised headline paints a clear picture of the advantages to the reader.
Some other examples of reader-focused headlines:
See how these headlines are focused on you, the reader, and the value you'll receive? They draw the reader in by promising useful information or solutions to problems.
When you make your headline about the reader, you give them a reason to care. You capture their attention and interest right away by showing them how they will benefit. And that, in turn, means a better chance of getting them to read and share your content.
So get out of your own head and into your reader's. Focus on them, their needs, desires, and pain points.
Want to write headlines that grab attention and drive action? Use emotional triggers. Our brains are wired to react to emotions, so crafting headlines that tap into them can be very persuasive.
For example, headlines that create a sense of urgency or scarcity compel people to click or buy now before the opportunity is gone:
Curiosity is another trigger. Headlines that tease the reader or hint at valuable information get them clicking to satisfy their curiosity:
You can also tap into the desire to achieve or solve a problem. Headlines that promise practical solutions or life-changing advice are always a hit:
Social proof headlines leverage the human tendency to follow the crowd. Mentions of popular opinions, experts, statistics, awards, etc. add credibility:
Of course, you can combine multiple triggers for an even more powerful effect. Emotional headlines, especially those with a personal angle, tend to resonate most with readers.
When it comes to writing headlines that grab attention, numbers, and statistics are your secret weapons.
Our brains are hardwired to notice numbers, so including them in your headline is an easy way to make it more engaging.
Let me share some couple of tips for leveraging numbers in your headlines:
Headlines with odd numbers like 3, 5, or 7 tend to perform better. For some reason, odd numbers seem more believable and catch our eye more easily.
A headline like "5 Ways to Improve Your Productivity" will probably get more clicks than "4 Ways to Improve Your Productivity."
Large, rounded numbers also attract more attention.
Headlines like "1000 Life Hacks Every College Student Should Know" or "10,000 Hours: The Secret to Success" spark curiosity because those big numbers seem impressive and make us want to know more.
Including statistics, percentages, or figures in your headline is a great way to demonstrate social proof and the significance or magnitude of what you're writing about.
For example, a headline like "73% of Millennials Want to Quit Their Jobs. Here's Why." or "The 20 Universities That Produce the Most Billionaires." Headlines with hard facts and figures like this convey authority and get high engagement.
Another option is to include a range of numbers, which gives the reader a sense of scale while still being concise.
For example, "The 5-10 Best Places to Travel on a Budget This Year" or "10-15 Easy Ways to Save $500 Per Month." Range headlines like these work well when you have a longer list of tips, tools, or examples to share.
Using numbers and statistics in your headlines, whether odd numbers, big round numbers, percentages, or number ranges, is an easy way to create engaging and authoritative headlines that will attract more readers and shares.
Power words are like a caffeine boost for your headlines. They grab attention and draw readers in, making them want to click and read more. Using compelling power words in your headline is one of the best ways to increase traffic and shares.
As you write your headline, look for opportunities to substitute boring words with attention-grabbing power words.
For example, instead of “How to Write Good Headlines,” try “How to Craft Irresistible Headlines.” See the difference? The second headline pulls you in and promises valuable information.
Some power words to work into your headlines include:
Using power words in your headlines, especially in combination with numbers, will make your headlines nearly irresistible. The more compelling and curiosity-inducing your headline is, the more traffic and social shares it will drive to your content.
So there you have it, six tips for crafting catchy headlines that will capture attention and drive action. Headlines are so critical because they determine whether or not someone will even read your content.
Apply these tips, do some testing, and keep tweaking your headlines to maximize the impact. Before you know it, you'll be writing headlines that are impossible to ignore. Now get out there and spread your message - the world is waiting to read what you have to say!
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