29 Dec, 2022
What you can get done is your capacity.
I'd had times when the opportunity was there for me, but I did not have the capacity.
If you've started doing something new, just know that you'll have to be okay with sucking at it.
Again it can be improved with practice and perseverance.
Get work done even if it's imperfect. Ship projects. Get feedback and create proof of work.
The education system has failed us. But now, you've got no excuse to not ace your career.
Here is a list of 5 inspiring people who have shared their unconventional journeys with proof of work, and who leveraged the power of proof of work to defy all odds and get ahead in their careers:
Meet Shubhangi, she played on her strengths, that is, communication skills. She always had the zeal to make her own money and be independent.
She was determined to create proof of work and did multiple 1 months of internships. She learned by doing, digital marketing, cold outreach, etc.
A LinkedIn course by Vaibhav Sisnity also helped her understand the LinkedIn Game. According to her both LinkedIn and Twitter are equally important for networking online. She also followed her passion for creating videos on Instagram. It helped her explore her creator side, and now she’s active with her LinkedIn video content as well.
She maximized learning always in her career. According to her, a startup allows you to work with people and have personalized learning with teammates without much politics. And creating proof of work is how you land exceptional opportunities.
The degree is a good safety net, but proof of work is a real game changer.
Checkout Shubhangi's proof of work: Click here
College is helpful and it's there to be played with. Explore as much as you can. Don’t hate it.
You can’t connect dots looking forward, but dots will always connect looking backward.
She strongly believes in learning by doing. She genuinely appreciates others and reaches out to them, specifically to make them feel special.
That’s how she leverages the power of networking as well. She advises people early in her career to experiment, not limiting themselves to their college courses. Your parents will want you to do a government job no matter what 😂
Being nervous and underconfident is okay but just keep doing things is how she moves forward. She believes in following her curiosity.
She advises documenting your work using Fueler. She found motivation in little things, even getting your laptop can be a motivation.
According to her, what you enjoy doing is your passion and it's okay if it keeps changing.
Being a generalist and specialist is a personal choice, you've to understand yourself and decide.
You can always help yourself by taking action, you do not need to overthink things just yet. Remember, failures are key to success, they tell you what to do better and which direction to head into.
Checkout Harshita's proof of work: Click here
Early in his career, Prantik believes in experimentation.
He’s currently a final-year IT student. According to him, proof of work teaches you to be a better person, for example, writing about human psychology and publishing it daily might just make you more tolerant of others’ opinions and perceptions.
Proof of Work makes you think you're omnipotent, so as to your recruiters. When it comes to successful networking DMing people with proof of work has done wonders for Prantik.
He believes in focusing on his career and avoiding his dating life for a while. He strongly believes in a permissionless mindset. He asks people what he needs because he understands if you don’t ask the answer is no.
He is a self-motivated and driven individual who cheers everyone up and finds great value in creating value for other people.
Checkout Prantik proof of work: Click here
Tushar started as a content writer early in his college days, taking inspiration from one of his friends. Once he learned professionalism and created proof of work, his portfolio helped in landing him better projects.
By leveraging his proof of work, he could show his actions and not just tell repeat remembered lines to clients. It is about signaling capability, that you can get the work done.
Content creation and personal branding require proof of work to get better at explaining those topics to your community.
Proof of work increases your confidence. If you wanna be confident, just get stuff done.
Checkout Tushar proof of work: Click here
Rajita is a class 12th student. She started her networking journey by emailing a document of her proof of work to the person she admired on the internet. That helped her land work as a Fueler brand ambassador.
By building your proof of work you gain empowerment. It's all about creating value and sending your work to relevant people. She recommends being respectful in reaching out to people as well as sending personalized dm to them.
Checkout Rajita proof of work: Click here
Final notes:
Proof of work contains multitudes, and it is also proof of concept, effort, result, idea, and knowledge.
In the world of fancy degrees and certifications, chase capability over status.
To get into the best companies and startups, dirty hands(proof of work) are more important than meaningless status symbols(degree/certificate).
Your capability is more important than how shiny your resume is.
Special thanks to Prince for covering this story, he is a personal brand strategist, community manager, writer, and YouTuber - In short, he is a trust Generalist aka Fueler 😎
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