What's New in Fueler: July 2022

02 Aug, 2022

What's New in Fueler: July 2022

One of our resolutions of 2022 is to spread awareness about landing opportunities through showcasing proof of work aka showcasing projects. 

And, Fueler will be used as a tool to help with showcasing, organising and managing in a super easy way. 

So, by following the same resolution we have passed half of the year, but with July our 2nd innings started and we started putting more effort and doubling down on things that were working. 

Our main focus in the 2nd innings will be on building the foundation of growth that will attract people from all over the world and help them with making their life easier. 

With that, let's discover what happened this month, and what are the things that you should also be aware of.

How to Publish Your Work on Fueler Ft @Aanchal Creates?

How to Publish Your Work on Fueler? | Fueler.io

How to Publish Your Work on Fueler? | Fueler.io

Fueler is live on Instagram

Fueler Instagram

Fueler Instagram

Launched "Twitter for Student"

We launched an ebook to help students leverage Twitter effectively and land opportunities.

Twitter for Student || Fueler.io

Twitter for Student || Fueler.io

Got selected to share our journey of building Fueler

Starter Story is a platform where founders from different corners of the world come together to share their journey, learning, and experiences. Recently we also got selected to share our story here.

Very soon you will be able to read the journey of "How Fueler came into existence?"

Get access to cold email templates

We have received 1000s of requests from the community to come up with something that will help them write cold emails easily. That's when we realised it's need and introduced it on Fueler

Here is how you can access it 👇

Fueler Cold Email Templates

Fueler Cold Email Templates

Fueler Golden Resources at one tap away

Resources Tab on Fueler Home Page || Fueler.io

Resources Tab on Fueler Home Page || Fueler.io

Fueler is out of beta now

What does this mean?

From a technology perspective, if a product is in beta, it means that the product isn't fully ready to get used by the public. That's why companies have to announce that they are out of beta and anyone can use all the features of the product.

Now you can use Fueler with all the features from "Free" to "Premium".

Fueler is out of Beta || Fueler.io

Fueler is out of Beta || Fueler.io

Hide your work from the main Fueler profile

Now you don't need to worry about which work to make public and which one to hide, start managing it super easily.

Here is how you can do it 👇

How to hide work on Fueler? || Fueler.io

How to hide work on Fueler? || Fueler.io

New Side Projects Added to Side Hustle

This month we launched new side projects, like

  1. DopeStory
  2. 100+ Free API
Fueler Side Projects

Fueler Side Projects

One of our team members started dating Miss World

You aren't believing in me, here is the proof 👇

Kind words from Fuelers

Check out Tripti Fueler profile here

Tripti shared kind word about Fueler

Tripti shared kind word about Fueler

Harsh shared kind word about Fueler || https://fueler.io/heyaharshu

Harsh shared kind word about Fueler || https://fueler.io/heyaharshu

Syed shared kind word about Fueler || https://fueler.io/ali.designs

Syed shared kind word about Fueler || https://fueler.io/ali.designs

Fueler new home page

Which sections did you like? Do let us know at team@fueler.io

New Home Page

New Home Page

What did we create for the community?

Take a glance from Twitter

Discover more updates

I might have missed mentioning something, please follow us on Twitter to get updates about everything happening around Fueler

Please stay tuned 🔔

Keep fueling, See you in the next blog. 

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